March 11, 2006

Laughter, the best medicine...

I was going through some blogs the other day, when I saw a post in one of them, forgot whose though, about the fortunes which come in ur orkut home page. And I was like what the..?!! I had never noticed those things in my home page in Orkut and the first thing I do when I log in is go to the scrapbook and immediately start firing off scraps to all people! So I ran to my home page to check out mine for the day...

Today's fortune:

You are going to have a very comfortable old age

What the...?!!! This is worse than Microsoft Word which has an irritating habit of correcting your statements with its automatic spell check, Caps at the beginning of the line check, and other bad shit, which makes u feel like you are not even an LKG graduate!!! What the hell does a website which provides me with a public forum to make and keep friends know anything about my old age?!
hmm...thoughts immediately went to some of the stupid forwards I have got over the past three months since I joined this IT industry...urban legends, which people sometimes tend to take seriously and fwd to their friends to make them aware of such things...nice gesture, but come on guys, give me a break!

Over the past three months, I have recieved news about the age old HIV blood stained pin kept on the seats of theatres of Paris, people contracting AIDS because they eat pani puri at a pani puri stall (though there are chances of this happening, but remote!), two way mirrors installed in Girl's changing rooms, and the best of them all...ants entering the brain through a man's ears, and the man dying thereafter! I was almost out of my chair when I read the last one!

So I went hunting on the net for such urban legends, and came up with this. Some of them are quite hilarious. Do check it out! Here are some of the samples, the ones I found most funny, not necessarily in the order given.

#1. Man dies in his sleep from breathing in his own farts.

#2. According to a study published in The England Journal of Medicine, "ogling at women's breasts is good for a man's health."

#3. Man attempting to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head inadvertently saves his own life when the bullet excises his inoperable brain tumor.

#4. A mysterious bolt in a bedroom floor turns out to be holding up the chandelier in the room below.

#5. Thief who tries to rob a gun shop is shot dead by those in the store.

Shine on!

Urban Legends - courtesy:


g'Krish said...

ajb, seems today, the star of riches is shining upon me :)) :)) ...

bharat said...

I get more everday da. courtesy fortune cookies. Like always, add "in bed" and be happy about it. Nice words are always good no matter how inconsequential they are. But sometimes they can be nagging like this one

"You appreciate beauty in ordinary things"

I don't understand calling that fortune!

AJB said...

@ g'krish - dei, riches having been shining on you ever since the days of ur PS2 at i2 da..:P

@ bharat - hmmm...guess u'r right, nice words are good...and after adding 'in bed' they become better!
how more pathetic can we guys get?!! :P :P :P